
Quick Start

  1. Start the app on two handsets connected to the same Wifi network. (It is also possible to connect handsets using Bluetooth).
  2. Plug in earphones to one handset. Hold this handset in the right hand and tap the right-hand handset icon on the Select Handset screen.
  3. Take the other handset in the left hand and tap the left-hand handset icon on the Select Handset screen.
  4. After a few seconds, the handsets will connect to each other. Adjust session parameters, if desired. (Default parameters are OK for most cases).
  5. Press Start button.
  6. Follow the guidance from the psychotherapist. If done individually, sit still and focus on the issue to work with. If using visual stimulation, follow the visuals on the handsets with your eyes only (no head movement).
  7. The session ends automatically after a set timeout. It is also possible to stop the session prematurely by tapping the Stop button.
  8. Reflect on insights obtained during the session.
  9. Repeat the session (step 5) until resolution or as directed by the therapist.
  10. When finished, press the Android's Back button to navigate back to the Select Handset screen. This will terminate the connection between the handsets and save battery.

If two handsets are not available, it is also possible to use a single handset. In such case, only audio stimulus will be available.

Selecting Handset Type

EMDR TriSense can be used in a single or dual handset mode.

Single Handset Mode

In the single handset mode, only audio stimulation is available. Use this mode if you have access to only one handset, or if audio only is sufficient. To make the selection, tap on the single handset icon to enter the main screen.

Dual Handset Mode

In the dual handset mode, all three modalities are available for use (audio, haptic, and visual). This mode requires two handsets. The handsets need not be of the same type, but EMDR TriSense must be installed on both of them. The app is designed to run on even very old handsets, so you may use an old smartphone that you do not use anymore for making calls (a SIM card is not required).

To use both handsets in the dual handset mode, the handsets have to be connected wirelessly. This can be done using Wifi or Bluetooth. Wifi is slightly easier to use, but Bluetooth is available even when no network access points are available.

Connecting through Wifi

Before connecting the handsets for an EMDR session, make sure that both handsets have Wifi enabled and are connected to the same access point. Then, on the Select Handset screen (on both handsets), make sure that there is a Wifi icon displayed between the pictures of two handsets held in hands (which is the default). This means that the handsets will attempt to connect using the same means (Wifi). If you see the Bluetooth icon, tap it and change to Wifi. Now on the right handset tap the handset icon being held in the right hand, and on the left handset tap the left hand with a handset. If the smartphones you are using are different, it is recommended to use the newer, faster device as the right handset. The right handset will also generate audio.

After this step, the handsets will try to establish the connection. It should succeed within several seconds. While the handsets are searching each other, they will display information about the name of the Wifi network and the IP address of the network they are connected to. Verify that both handsets are on the same network.
Note: Some public Wifi networks have enabled client isolation as a security feature; on such networks peer-to-peer connection is not possible. Use Bluetooth in such case.

When the connection succeeds, the main session screen will be displayed.

Connecting through Bluetooth

Before connecting the handsets for an EMDR session, make sure that both handsets have Bluetooth enabled and are paired with each other. Pairing needs to be done only once and can be performed in system Bluetooth settings. In the same settings it is often possible to give handsets custom names. This makes it very convenient to identify handsets while connecting later. Then, on the Select Handset screen (on both handsets), make sure that there is a Bluetooth icon displayed between the pictures of two handsets held in hands. This means that the handsets will attempt to connect using the same means (Bluetooth). If you see the Wifi icon, tap it and change to Bluetooth. Now on the right handset tap the handset icon being held in the right hand, and on the left handset tap the left hand with a handset. If the smartphones you are using are different, it is recommended to use the newer, faster device as the right handset. The right handset will also generate audio.

After this step, the left handset will display its Bluetooth name, while the right handset will present a list of paired handsets. On the right handset list, find the name of the left handset and tap it. Then the handsets will try to establish the connection. It should succeed within several seconds. While the handsets are searching each other, they will display information about their Bluetooth name and, in the case if the right handset, the name of the other handset it is trying to connect to. Verify that you are trying to connect to the correct handset.

When the connection succeeds, the main session screen will be displayed.

Setting up Session Parameters

The session screen displays the main session settings. The settings displayed on this screen depend whether EMDR TriSense is being used in a single or dual handset mode. Each of those settings can be changed by tapping the relevant setting line. The settings can be changed only when a session is not in progress. After changing the settings you may tap the Start button to test the change. Tap Stop to stop the test and adjust the setting further, if needed.

Session duration

This is the time after which one session round will automatically end. A typical duration of one round is between 2 and 2.5 min. You can set up a session duration to up to 23 minutes and 59 seconds.

Cycle speed

This is the time of a complete left-right stimulus cycle. The optimal speed is very person-specific. Usually the more intense the emotions, the faster (shorter) cycle is needed. A typical cycle speed is 2 to 3 seconds for an EMDR session. Longer cycles (4s and up) are used for general relaxation.


Here the type of the sound can be selected depending on your personal preferences. Depending on the sound selection, the visual stimulus (if used) can slightly change, to match the sound profile. Some sounds have a limit how short the cycle can be.

Vibration and visuals (dual handset mode only)

Tap the toggle button to quickly enable/disable those two modalities.

Running a Session

If the settings are set to desired values, hold each handset in a different hand and tap the Start button on the right handset. Then focus on the issue you are working on. The session will finish by itself after the set time. It is also possible to stop the session early, if needed, by tapping the Stop button. Note that the stop button changes shape to a red octagon when visualization is in progress. After the session finishes, share your insights with the therapist. When ready, start another round by tapping the Start button.

If using EMDR TriSense for general relaxation, simply relax into the stimulus provided by the app, until the time runs out.

After Sessions

When finished with all session rounds, it is recommended to leave the session screen back to the Select Handset screen. This will stop the wireless connection between handsets, reduce battery usage, and release phone resources for other apps. Tap the Android Back button to leave this screen.

Using the app with Bluetooth headphones

Make sure that the headset is paired and connected with the smartphone using standard Android settings. Some Bluetooth headphones can be also used as headsets (for voice control and hands-free calls). In such case, make sure that the headset is also connected for media channel. How to do it depends on the version of Android.

If the headphones are connected properly, the sound from the app will be coming though the headphones and there will be a small icon in the status bar showing connected Bluetooth headphones. If the is the icon but the sound is still coming out from the handset, most likely the media Bluetooth channel is not routed properly to the headset. In the Bluetooth connection settings for the headset (in Android settings) disable the media channel and re-enable it again. That usually fixes the problem.

Having the headphones connected, the next thing to do is to adjust audio delay. Often Bluetooth headphones introduce some delay in audio playback. Since EMDR audio stimulus should be synchronized with the visual and haptic stimuli, this delay has to be compensated for. It can be done in the app's Advanced Settings. Luckily, it only has to be done once for a given pair of headphones.

The Advanced Settings have two Bluetooth options that can be used to fix the synchronization: